KRIB press release

In connection with the recently frequent attempts in some media to take out of context and manipulate the positions expressed by the management of KRIB regarding the changes in CSR adopted by the budget and economic commissions, it should be borne in mind that the clear and precise position of KRIB was expressed by the representative of KRIB in this commission. Additional…

KRIB's position on the ZID of the Law on the Bar No. 554-01-14, submitted by Danail Kirilov and a group of people's representatives on February 26, 2015.

MR. DANAIL KIRILOV CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE ON LEGAL ISSUES TO THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY REGARDING: Draft law to amend and supplement the Law on the Bar, No. 554-01-14, submitted to the National Assembly on 23.01.2015 by Danail Kirilov and a group of people's representatives DEAR MR. KYRILOV, In relation to the Draft Law on Amendments and Additions submitted to the National Assembly by a group of people's representatives...

KRIB's position on the Health Insurance Act No. 502-01-13 February 26, 2015

MRS DANIELA DARITKOVA-PRODANOVA CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMISSION ON HEALTH PROTECTION TO THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY REGARDING: Submitted for discussion in the National Assembly a bill to amend and supplement the Law on Health Insurance No. 502-01-13 on 2.02.2015/XNUMX/XNUMX by MS DEAR MRS DARITKOVA, In connection with the Draft Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Health... submitted for discussion in the National Assembly