Draft of the ZID of the Law on confiscation in favor of the state of illegally acquired property

MR. DANAIL KIRILOV CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMITTEE ON LEGAL ISSUES TO THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY REGARDING: Draft of the ZID on the Law on Confiscation in favor of the State of Illegally Acquired Property, No. 554-01-107, submitted by Danail Kirilov and a group of people's representatives DEAR MR. KIRILOV , The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria /KRIB/ expresses the following position on the proposals...

Business seminar on effective leadership

OD&M Consulting organized for the fourth year in a row the business seminar "Leadership from the Right Side of the Brain" on March 29-31, 2016, facilitated by the internationally recognized psychologist and psychotherapist Dr. Menis Yousri. The training is entirely aimed at team leaders who are ready to apply a new kind of leadership to achieve the goals of their teams…