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The Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organizations

AOBR was established in 1995 as an association of nationally representative employers' organizations. Since 2016 The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria / KRIB / reinstated membership in AOBR, which unites the four nationally recognized representative organizations of employers in the Republic of Bulgaria /KRIB, AIKB, BSK and BTPP/ and aims to coordinate their positions and assist in the consolidation, balancing and unified representation of their interests within the The International Labor Organization /ILO/ and the International Organization of Employers /IOR/.

According to the statute of AOBR, the association is represented on a rotating basis. At a meeting of The Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organizations, held on 10 January 2024, The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria - KRIB took over from The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry /BTPP/ the rotating presidency of AOBR for 2024.

In 2024, the rotating chairman of AOBR is Mr. Kiril Domuschiev - chairman of KRIB.