Exactly one year ago, the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists demanded that the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria resign, immediately and without delay. As we stated at the time: "However, the situation at the moment leaves us with only one alternative - to give the truly active Bulgarian citizens the opportunity to elect a new parliament in new, democratic and fair elections. Without delay." KRIB was the only employer organization that saw the threat and reacts according to its delegated rights. This was the general voice of the Bulgarian employers and industrialists united in the KRIB, who provide daily more than 800 jobs and are also daily responsible for preserving them, despite the inadequate actions or criminal inactions of those called to represent the sovereign of the country - the Bulgarian people.
During this one-year period, it became clear that KRIB's assessments and concerns were well-founded. Social justice and reforms were not achieved. The repeatedly advertised budget funds in the amount of hundreds of millions of BGN for small and medium-sized businesses found another recipient. By their actions or inaction, the state regulators and other competent institutions and bodies allowed severe, often irreparable blows to be inflicted on the real sector, the banks and the financial stability of the Republic of Bulgaria as a whole. Energy is collapsing. We continue to lack modern healthcare and education. The Eurofunds stopped us. They lowered our credit rating. They sent us in the opposite direction of European and transatlantic values. Some Bulgarians find it difficult to say out loud who our allies are and with whom we have problems.
In this situation, there is only one exit, and it has been open for a year. Namely – resignation now and immediately, immediate holding of early elections, formation of a nationally responsible majority in the parliament, which will produce a government, which in turn will make this and similar future declarations irrelevant and pointless. In the meantime, decisions of a long-term nature should not be made for which responsibility may be sought later.
Bulgaria and responsible Bulgarian business need such a government.