About the project

Project BG05SFPR002-1.005-0003 "Social partnership and human resources of the double transition" with beneficiary "Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria - KRIB the voice of Bulgarian business" is financed within the framework of the "Social Partnership" procedure from the "HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT" PROGRAM " 2021-2027, co-financed by the European Union.

The main objective of the project is to adapt enterprises and employees to the changes related to the transition to a "green" and circular economy and digitalization, as well as to create a favorable environment for lifelong learning. Through joint actions with the project partners - Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, programs and models will be developed to accelerate the digital and sustainable transformation and adaptation of enterprises and employees to changes. The planned activities are aimed at enterprises and employed persons from 14 administrative regions of the country, from 5 branches/sectors: Construction, Security, Clothing and textiles, Automotive sector and Mining industry.

The efficient use of resources and the transition to a "green" and circular economy are key to strengthening the competitiveness of the economy, creating conditions for growth and creating new jobs. To overcome changes in the labor market and address the new challenges arising from globalization, the digital revolution, the transition to climate neutrality, changing work patterns and the social and demographic situation, models will be developed and implemented for the adaptation of enterprises and the workforce to changes, as well as models and practices for forecasting the needs of new skills in different sectors/branches and regions of the country.

The successful implementation of the included activities will make a significant contribution to the support of enterprises and employed persons in the "dual" transition, and conditions will be created for the implementation of lifelong learning strategies at the corporate, sectoral, branch and regional level.

The project implementation period is from 15.01.2024 to 31.12.2027. The budget of the project is BGN 7, with the national co-financing of the project being BGN 282, and EU funding in the amount of BGN 800

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