About the project

In the period June 26-28, 2023, an opening meeting was held under project No. 101104419 "Academy for Transitional Skills in the Build Environment" (BuildSkills Academy), financed under the Erasmus+ program, co-financed by the European Union. The project started on June 1, 2023 with a total budget of 3 Euros.

The meeting was hosted by "Cleantech Bulgaria" OOD - project coordinator, uniting 17 partners from 10 European countries, who will work together until May 31, 2027 to achieve its main goal - modernizing and adapting the ecosystems providing professional training and knowledge of the construction industry, to the emerging new needs in the field of green and digital skills. The project will develop a BuildEnrichedSkills methodology and procedure to support vocational training and education centers to assist them in the rapid adaptation of the workforce to the dual ecological and digital transition. The focus is on occupations in the construction sector. Another leading objective is the creation of a certification framework for the recognition of skills and competences corresponding to the needs of the dual transition, which will serve as a reference at the global level for the improvement and certification of CCP services.

The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (KRIB), as a project partner, will coordinate the process of validating the BuildEnrichedSkills methodology with various stakeholders in the field of education, industry and innovation, engaged within 5 thematic groups on Environment; Health and safety; Energy efficiency; Circular waste management; Design and engineering; New building systems and materials. The summarized findings of the consultations will be structured in a report outlining the ways in which the training offered can be timely adapted to the constantly changing needs of the market, as well as the ways to create new knowledge in partnership with other stakeholders.

The results achieved by the project will be transferred to 12 pilot projects in 6 countries, involving 300 trainees and reaching 100 vocational training providers, 1 companies and 000 high-level organizations in the field of construction skills and competences, such as thus aiming to achieve at least 20 collaborations between CPO and industry.

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